Author Archives: bart

cfp Fifth International Meeting of the APMP

18-21 January, 2020
ETH, Zürich

We invite submissions on any areas connected to the philosophy of mathematical practice.

A title and abstract (250-500 words) should be submitted before 1 June 2019 via the conference website at the following address:

Notification will be sent out by August 1. Post-doctoral fellows and doctoral students are strongly encouraged to send proposals.

All contributing speakers and discussants are requested to confirm their participation before 20 December 2019 and to pay the conference fee, which will include congress material, coffee breaks and buffet lunches, via the conference website (address above). The conference dinner is payable separately. Reduced fees are available to participants who are not beneficiaries of institutional support. Early bird rates apply to registrations made before 15 August. There will be some funding available for travel subsidies.

Keynote speakers
Gisele Secco (Univ. Federal de Santa Maria, Brasil)
Jemma Lorenat (Pitzer College, USA)
Øystein Linnebo (Univ. of Oslo, Norway)
Jeremy Avigad (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Vincenzo De Risi (Laboratoire SPHère, CNRS-Univ. Paris 7, France)

Organizing Committee
Sara Booz (ETH, Zürich)
Silvia De Toffoli (Princeton University, USA)
Valeria Giardino (Archives Henri Poincaré, CNRS, Nancy, France)
Dirk Schlimm (McGill University, Canada)
Roi Wagner (ETH, Zurich)

Scientific Committee
Abel Lassalle Casanave (Univ. Federal de Bahia, Brasil)
José Ferreirós (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)
Valeria Giardino (Archives Henri Poincaré, CNRS, Nancy, France)
Emily Rolfe Grosholz (Penn State University, USA)
Brendan Larvor (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
Paolo Mancosu (UC Berkeley, USA)
Dirk Schlimm (McGill University, Canada)