
The following events have been organized by the APMP

Seventh International Meeting of the APMP
18-21 June 2024, Pavia, Italy
Sixth International Meeting of the APMP
30 June – 3 July 2021, Chapman University (Virtual Conference)
Fifth International Meeting of the APMP
18-21 January 2020, Zürich, Switzerland
Fourth International Meeting of the APMP
23-27 October 2017, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
Third International Meeting of the APMP
2-4 November 2015, Paris, France
Second International Meeting of the APMP
3-4 October 2013, Urbana-Champaign, USA
First International Meeting of the APMP
9-11 December 2010, Brussels, Belgium

The following events have been or are being supported by the APMP

Masterclass in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice
19-21 June 2019, Brussels, Belgium
29th Novembertagung on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics
28-30 November 2018, Sevilla, Spain
Masterclass in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice
17-19 May 2018, Brussels, Belgium
28th Novembertagung on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics
2-4 November 2017, Brussels, Belgium
Masterclass in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice
17-19 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium
Affiliated Meeting: Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, 15th CLMPS
3-8 August 2015, Helsinki, Finland
Symposium: Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, 5th Biennial Conference of the SPSP
24-26 June 2015, Aarhus, Denmark
Teoria dos Conjuntos / Mereologia, XVI Colóquio Conesul
6-10 November 2012, Santa Maria, Brazil
Filosofia da Prática Matemática, XV Colóquio Conesul
23-28 October 2011, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
150’ and affiliated Symposium: Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, 14th CLMPS
19-26 July 2011, Nancy, France