CLMPST2019 contributed symposium

On behalf of the Steering Committee of the Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice (APMP) we are putting together an application for a one-day APMP contributed symposium in the context of the 16th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology, “Bridging across academic cultures” (Prague, 5-10 August 2019).

The topic should concern the philosophy of mathematical practice.  With this symposium, we would like to put into focus different aspects of the philosophy of mathematical practice––both in term of topics and methods––and promote dialogue between them. 
We are inviting you to submit a 500 words abstract to present (20min + 10min for discussion) in such context. 

The organisation of the meeting will depend on the number of submissions.  Note that given that the APMP has no means of funding and that it is a congress rule that symposium speakers may not be speakers at different events of the congress.
If you wish to present, please send an email including a title and a 500-word abstract to Andy Arana, or Silvia De Toffoli, at your earliest convenience; if possible before October 28th, 2019. The Program Committee of the Congress will then decide whether to accept our proposal.
If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.  We look forward to receiving your abstract!

Best wishes,
Silvia De Toffoli & Andy Arana